Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Growing Into a New Season of Ministry

Living in Northern Wisconsin, we love (and sometimes love to complain about) our magnificent change of seasons.  While visually vibrant fall leaves and the promising new buds of spring are wonderful, the thought of shoveling winter snow quickly loses its appeal.

Wisconsin seasons bring change.  For us who love Crossways, this fall season is bringing even more change. As the world changes around us so must Crossways change to effectively partner with you in ministry.  After more than a year of conversation and diligent work, a comprehensive restructuring plan was adopted by the Board of Directors on October 20th.  The purpose of the plan is to provide an effective, cost efficient base for growing the ministry of Crossways.

This will be accomplished in part through creating new positions and revising current positions and eliminating some altogether.

The office has been strengthened to put customer service as a priority and to provide solid financial information to those who depend on it.  Each site will benefit from a standardization of operations and flexible staffing.  We will utilize each person’s unique gifts for service and ministry as part of a Crossways team dedicated to serving our congregations, communities and the church.

The goals of the adopted plan are to:
  • Strengthen the existing ministry
  • Grow the ministry
  • Provide excellent customer service
  • Offer flexibility in staffing
  • Standardize operations
  • Live out ministry at three unique sites

As we grow into this new “season” for Crossways there will be times that we will feel like we are deep in winter, up to our waist and shoveling snow.  We are shoveling ahead together - traveling into the future which God has for us. 

We rest in the promise of spring at hand.

To view the Board of Directors’ restructuring plans, send an e-mail to

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