Wednesday, March 9, 2011

First Annual Ice Fishin' on Mission was a huge success! THANK YOU fishers, volunteers, donors, and sponsors!

Crossways Camping Ministries extends a HUGE THANK YOU to the volunteers, donors, and sponsors of the 2011 Ice Fishin’ on Mission Event.

The first-time event was attended by over 100 individuals from communities around Wisconsin. The February weather was mild, the food was delicious, the fish were biting, and the fellowship was outstanding.

Our sponsors and donors provided all of the prizes for the adult and youth individual & team categories. In addition, they enabled us to offer fantastic ice fishing and community-centered prizes for the raffle. 25 volunteers gave of their time, talents, and energy to ensure that Ice Fishin’ on Mission was a success from start to finish. Thank you for serving Crossways Camping Ministries, as this event raised funds for our Annual Fund, helping to send youth and adults to camp.

Enjoy the pictures! We hope to see you next year!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

REMINDER! Special Meeting - Waypost Land Aquisition

A special meeting has been called for January 8, 2011, at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in Plover for the purpose of approving the purchase of land contiguous to Waypost Camp. Delegate registration will begin at 10:30 am with the meeting beginning at 11 am.

Please give the following information to the two voting delegates from your congregation who will be attending the special meeting.
It is very important to have as many churches represented and delegates present as possible. We need to have at least 40 delegates to have an official meeting of the corporation. We have been asked about proxy votes. According to the bylaws, proxy votes are not allowed. Other members of your congregation are welcome to attend the special meeting as non-voting members. If you know your delegates for the 2011 year please let us know.

Get directions from Google Maps to Good Shepherd Lutheran Church.

Contact Sara Damrow (715-454-6487 or with questions.