Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Campers Fight Hunger Around the Corner and Across the Globe

This summer we learned about our brothers and sisters around the world who don't have enough to eat. We decided to fight hunger through prayer, conversation, and action.

Campers brought in canned food and also raised over $12,000 in mission project offerings for ELCA World Hunger, with half being designated to our African brothers and sisters in Zimbabwe. Thank you for your donations of food for our neighbors near and money for our neighbors far!

Campers at all three camps also spent time learning about reducing food waste at all their meals and about gardening in the new gardens at each of the sites. The gardens tended by the campers are provide produce to people in the local neighborhoods and to the campers and retreat guests at camp!

'God's Work, Our Hands' ELCA Video Contest
Our summer staff at Waypost Camp submitted a video for a contest inspired by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America's tagline: "God's work. Our hands." highlighting the new garden and campers' work in it.

The short video demonstrates how, during a typical week of camp, campers learn gardening, recycling, composting and baking, and that this not only provides for Waypost Camp and its campers, but also provides for those in need within local communities as well.

Watch it here!

ELCA Video