Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Campers Fight Hunger Around the Corner and Across the Globe

This summer we learned about our brothers and sisters around the world who don't have enough to eat. We decided to fight hunger through prayer, conversation, and action.

Campers brought in canned food and also raised over $12,000 in mission project offerings for ELCA World Hunger, with half being designated to our African brothers and sisters in Zimbabwe. Thank you for your donations of food for our neighbors near and money for our neighbors far!

Campers at all three camps also spent time learning about reducing food waste at all their meals and about gardening in the new gardens at each of the sites. The gardens tended by the campers are provide produce to people in the local neighborhoods and to the campers and retreat guests at camp!

'God's Work, Our Hands' ELCA Video Contest
Our summer staff at Waypost Camp submitted a video for a contest inspired by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America's tagline: "God's work. Our hands." highlighting the new garden and campers' work in it.

The short video demonstrates how, during a typical week of camp, campers learn gardening, recycling, composting and baking, and that this not only provides for Waypost Camp and its campers, but also provides for those in need within local communities as well.

Watch it here!

ELCA Video

Monday, January 12, 2009

Notice of the 2008 Annual Meeting

Saturday, February 21, 2009 - 10:00 a.m.
St. Mark Lutheran Church
140 S Green Bay Rd.
Neenah, WI 54956
(In the event of bad weather on February 21, the meeting will be postponed until February 28.)

Dear Congregation Leaders and Delegates,

Once again, Crossways Annual Meeting will be held in February. This enables us to have complete financial information for delegates from the year just completed (rather than a projection of what it might be 4 months ahead), and set forth the plans and goals for the coming year. The budget will be able to be presented based on real numbers.

When should you elect delegates? The process for electing or appointing delegates varies from congregation to congregation. Delegates should be elected/appointed for a full year. From time to time it is necessary that we have a special meeting of delegates. Whenever you elect new delegates, please let our office know.

What about weather? Wisconsin weather is always unpredictable. The Board has set an alternate date of February 28 if bad weather forces postponement. Details on how notice of a decision to postpone will be announced will be included in the material packets sent out prior to the meeting.

Delegate packets will be mailed to all delegates of record (those delegates whose names and addresses you have given to Crossways) and congregations at least two weeks prior to the meeting. If you or your delegates have not received them prior to February 12, please call our office to let us know or email us at info@CrosswaysCamps.org.

We sincerely trust that you and your delegates will have the best information possible in making important decisions in our partnership in ministry. We Thank You for your partnership in “bringing people together in Christ so lives are changed and communities enhanced.”

The Board of Directors
Crossways Camping Ministries

Directions to St Mark Lutheran Church

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